Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bill Maher's faux commercial for Tea party adult diapers is pretty funny.

"Each Defends diaper comes with the preamble of the Constitution printed right on it."

Considering how these Teabaggers constantly misrepresent the Constitution and essentially wipe their asses on it, I thought this was a particularly appropriate parody.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Thought Bill Maher in perfect sync with this as tied to the Teabaggers!!! Made me laugh out loud!

    Perfect! I think it should be spread far and wide across the nation and specifically run in states and cities where they have Teabagger candidates running for office. It's a perfect 'anti ad' for them!

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Smackdowns all over the place!

    Darrell Issa Crashes and Burns When Pressed By CNN For The IRS Scandal Smoking Gun

    On CNN’s State Of The Union, Rep. Darrell Issa’s IRS scandal disintegrated on national television when he couldn’t name a single piece of evidence that proved that IRS singled out and targeted conservative groups.


    Bill Clinton Shreds Rand Paul and The Benghazi Obsessed Republican Party

    In a matter of seconds, former President Clinton went on Meet The Press and showed Rand Paul and the Republican Party why hopes of winning in 2016 on Benghazi won’t work.

    Video of the full interview:

    Chris Wallace Confronts Rove: Didn’t Bush Take a Lot of Executive Action Too?

    Wallace told Rove, “I think it’s fair to say you worked at a White House that took a pretty expansive view of executive powers, whether it was signing statements by President Bush when he was signing bills into law or the way that he waged the war on terror.”

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      With One Sentence Fox News Has Completely Sabotaged Boehner’s Lawsuit Against Obama

      ...Chris Wallace and Fox News pretty much destroyed the entire House Republican cover story that this lawsuit has nothing to do with politics by pointing out that it will be impossible to speed up the lawsuit because there is no way in hell that Senate Democrats will ever vote for this bill.

      It didn’t take long for the Republican facade to be exposed. There is no constitutional crisis being driven by executive overreach that calls for immediate legal action. The Boehner threat of a lawsuit is another dumb election year stunt that is designed to give Republican candidates something to run on this fall.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Speaking of ads, I was shocked this morning to see an ad for a company I've never seen advertised before. I had Face the Nation on my tv as I was making lunch (hoping that, for once, it wouldn't be a GOP kissfest) and heard a voiceover intro with a familiar - and detested - name.

    It was an ad for Koch Industries! They must really be feeling pressure from the left (thank you Harry Reid) for them to produce such an aww-shucks-we're-so-Amerkun kind of ad and broadcast it during one of the Sunday morning political shows. Since the viewers for those shows are becoming more and more right wing due to their lack of balance, it should NOT be an audience that needs to be convinced that the Koch brothers are good guys.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Astounding: David Koch's 1980 VP Run: Kill Medicare, Social Security, Minimum Wage, Public Schools

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      11:27 -
      Makes sense. None of those things make any profit for the Kochs so why should we waste money with them? All the money we save by allowing the poor and elderly to die, children to starve and have no education, and the middle class to be decimated can be used to give more tax breaks to the ultra-rich. Besides, people who are desperate enough will accept slave wages, saving the Koch brothers a little more money.

      'Cause they don't really have enough yet.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    They Said It Couldn’t Be Done

    Less than a year ago, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and his forces were sporadically using chemical weapons on rebels and civilians in the civil war. Today, the stockpile that he grudgingly admitted to under international pressure is gone.

  5. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    When I saw the still on the video with the hairy legs, don't know why, but I thought "Aha, that's why Sarah wears those black jeans all the time! Bill Maher is spot on with this one.

  6. Anonymous10:46 PM

    is that Sarah? She can always get a job modeling.

  7. Nah, adult diapers should be off-limits even for comics.

    Visit any nursing home and you'll find incontinent people, young and old. Some have suffered brain injury as a result of congenital hypoxia, auto accidents, severe beatings, shootings, blast injuries, chemotherapy, exposure to toxins like the dioxin in Agent Orange or the poison from burn pits in Iraq, or as a result of any one of the degenerative brain diseases which afflict humans.

    Nothing funny about adult incontinence. What I wish for Bill Maher, and for myself and everyone reading this, is that we never reach a stage where we piss and shit ourselves and rely on others to clean us up.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.